A snake wrapping around itself in a figure-eight cobrashare

Make Life Easier

Digital benefits fulfillment for your Patrons, so you can spend more time creating.

Let your Patrons log in with their Patreon accounts and we'll keep track of all the files they have access to, no matter which months they've pledged. Even former Patrons can keep access to their old files without needing any input from you.

Snakes surrounding an upload iconography

Why CobraShare?

Get the right files to the right patrons quickly and easily.

Paper with an up arrow representing uploading

Simple Upload

Drag and drop files or folders into our file viewer, just like you would on your own computer. Our file viewer will automatically maintain the folder structure that is uploaded, including subfolders. There are no limits on what file types you can upload, or the sizes of your files. Must be within account storage space limits

Paper with an up arrow representing uploading

Full Control Over Your Files

Drag and drop files or folders into our file viewer, just like you would on your own computer. Set the permissions for which patron tiers and months can download your files or folders, add preview images, or make them automatic loyalty bonuses for a set number of pledged months. You can also give special access to individual patrons for prizes or gifts!

Paper with an up arrow representing uploading

Full Control Over Your Files

Drag and drop files or folders into our file viewer, just like you would on your own computer. Set the permissions for which patron tiers and months can download your files or folders, add preview images, or make them automatic loyalty bonuses for a set number of pledged months. You can also give special access to individual patrons for prizes or gifts!